Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow days!

We have spent the last two days "trapped" at home while the snow and temperatures plummet. I would like to complain, but really I love staying in my pajamas and having kids around all day. I don't necessarily like the 4 o'clock shuffle of showering, folding laundry and putting it away, and cleaning the kitchen so my husband doesn't think I played on the computer all day. But I am certainly not sacrificing pajama day to ease the 4 o'clock shuffle!
The snow started on Friday. They let the kids out of school early, which is always unhappy for Jacob since he is afternoon Kindergarten. It has happened twice to him now. He reminds me all day that "It isn't fair that Sam got to go to school!" and he doesn't. I think it isn't fair that I had to break the news to him. I think the school should call him and let him know. They can disappoint the 6 year old, not me. Plus it would save my nerves. Ha! How old am I that I just said "save my nerves"!?!
So Friday was a fun day after we picked up Sam, playing in the snow and all. Our trip to Indiana was canceled on Saturday because I was afraid of getting stuck there. We ended up grocery shopping in the evening. It was becoming ridiculously cold as the day wore on. I had promised Jacob I would build a snowman with him though so we started as soon as we got home. The weather was so cold so the snow wouldn't stick well. We dug underneath and got the stuff close to the ground. It was tough, cold work. And our snowman was more like a snow pile. Jake named him Shorty, the Snow Dude.

Sunday was relatively fine. We went to the Mason's and watched part of the Super Bowl. Being from Indiana and yet falling in love with New Orleans recently, I was naturally unhappy either way. Ah, ever the half empty cup :)
I forgot to mention I shoveled the driveway on Friday. Yeah for shoveling! It was fun and not terribly cold at the time. I think I am done for the season though. One of those things you like to say you did, but totally hate doing all the time.
Monday was still cold and our snow had not melted yet. Overnight, we got more snow. Hence, the first snow day. The kids begged to play outside and since they didn't need me to be with them out in the cold, I sent them on their merry way. They discovered that the new snow (that continued to come down all day) was good packing snow again so they knocked down Shorty and erected a new taller snowman, which they named... wait for it.... Tally, the Tall Dude. So creative, my children!

The rest of the day was fun also. Samantha made cookies (her new passion). The kids watched "Free Willy" and the babies took long naps. And I, I stayed in my pajamas until 4 o'clock.
This morning, school was called off again. It is 11am and I am still in my pajamas. I just informed the kids all the kids get naps today. It is a joyous occasion! I might have to shower now though. I plan to nap a long time and don't want to have to wake up early to shuffle.

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