Monday, February 8, 2010

It is about time....

The question to blog or not to blog has been floating around my head for several months now. I have well meaning intentions but I am, quite frankly, a little overwhelmed by the idea of it. I keep thinking that I have to have a long story with meaning and be spot on funny or not waste my time or anyone else's time. That feels like a huge undertaking for a Mom with 5 kids and little time. I do have time though, to lurk in other people's blogs. And I am enjoying their stories tremendously. So, I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my friend Sarah. Her stories are typically about her kids and they are hysterical. Sometimes they aren't stories at all. Sometimes it is just quotes of funny things her oldest has said or done. Sometimes she picks random pictures and talks about them. So, Sarah, I apologize for stealing your formula. But I think you are fabulous and hope I can entertain as much as you do! :)

Ok, so the first paragraph is completed. I supposed I should introduce the family. If you are reading this, you either know me or Sean but you might be fuzzy on our details. So here it is....

We have 5 amazing, albeit energentically tiring, children. Our oldest is 9 years and in the 3rd grade. She is the poster child of well-behaved. It is her fault we have so many. If she would have been a little tougher to handle in the toddler years, I am certain we would have stopped. But she wasn't and alas, there are 5 now. She is smart and kind and enjoyable to be around.

Our next one is 6 years old and in Kindergarten. He is our sensitive and aggressive one. He is the most tuned in to the energy of the house of all the kids. When I am stressed, he is more aggressive and doesn't behave well. When I am calm, he is loving and gentle and easy. It has been amazing to watch him in school. He is wild at home, but quiet and well-mannered at school. I supposed the constant threats and beatings keep him in line :) He loves big and is fantastic to his younger siblings. He tells me all the time that he thinks our babies are the best.

Our third, yes the very middle child, is 5 years old. He is very into being “the cool dude”. He wants his hair long and has tons of attitude. He would really like to play the guitar and dance to hip hop. He tries out cool dude moves all the time. Current favorite show is America's Best Dance Crew (with our own AC Slater... the kids never get the reference and I laugh every time. Ahh, to be old.) He is also wild, but terribly shy with adults... even people we know well. He still won't speak to my friend Holly, whose son he plays with almost weekly. We have known them several years now and it takes all his courage just to look at her. He is the most unsure of where he is, whether big or little. With his brother gone at Kindergarten, this year has been good for him to try on different roles. I fear for the Kindergarten teacher next year. He can be a stubborn little bugger.

Our 4th is two years old. She is far and away the diva of the house. She runs the place and she knows it. The other kids just cater to her and she expects, no DEMANDS, it now. And her personality is giant. She is very much fun to watch... and a bit difficult at times. She is the most stubborn and headstrong of them all. And she is smart to boot. We are in for some interesting times!

The baby is just 11 months old. He, unlike the other boys, is in no hurry to get bigger. He likes nursing and isn't quite ready to give it up. And he really isn't that interested in walking. He does just fine with crawling and having everyone pick him up. He did sleep through the night last night and the night before. I am hoping that is the new stage we are in. Now if I could just get everyone else to sleep through the night....

Ok, so that was the “quick” blurb about the kiddos. Use this as a reference if you have a hard time keeping them straight from here on out. I will probably need it too!


Sarah said...

Hey Jamie! I'm excited to see your new blog, and happy to be your first follower. I started my blog last year as a way to keep my out of town family updated. It was so great to realize in December that I had a pretty comprehensive journal of our family's whole year. Have fun!

Unknown said...

Jame, I think this is a great idea! Now when you tell me a funny or sweet story and I ask if you wrote it down, you can say "yes! It's in my blog" Godd way to remember. ...maybe there's a book in it..... xoxoxo Mom

Todd S. said...

Hey Jamie--I'm lazy and just getting back to reading these from the beginning. Keep it up!!! Blogging is the key to the universe ! (well, it makes much sense as Spice being the key to the universe I guess...yes, I am THAT geeky)....right-oh then...on to the next one. Great Intro!!