Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Middle of June already!?!

I am so far behind already and summer has just started... kind of. This is our second full week of vacation. I made all kinds of promises and threats as we were heading here that are now two weeks behind! Holy Bejeebeez. How am I ever going to make it???

Promise 1. We can have a friend over at least one time a week every week this summer.

What Mommy should have said... "If I can keep it together long enough on Monday to not lose my phone or my mind, I will TRY to telephone a parent and invite someone over. I cannot promise I will remember said play date, so you better put it on your calendar, Jacob. And if invited friend does not call back from my telepathic phone call, it isn't my fault".

Threat 1. Beds will be made everyday!

What Mommy should have said... "I know I don't make my bed, but I sleep in it every night. At least one of you also sleeps in it every night. And when you aren't in my bed, you are in each other's beds. That means your personal bed is only being slept in two or three times a week. Therefore, the 'I am just going to sleep in it tonight' rationale only works for me".

Promise 2. We are going to bike ride 3 times a week every week.

What Mommy should have said... " I have had 5 children. I remember to feed you several times a day. I remember to bathe you at least a couple of times a week. I typically remember your names and that you belong here and which special stuffed animal goes with who. You might sometimes have to remind me of the other things, like bike riding. If you really want it to happen, though, you have to remind me before 5pm when I am starting dinner. And crying will not make me drop the pan and jump on a bike with you."

Threat 2. Your chore charts will be followed every day, every week.

What Mommy should have said... "We have a lot of people in this house. And I totally stink at housework. I need all of you to just step up Duggar style and be responsible for making this home presentable to the world."

Promise 3. We will go to the library every week.

What Mommy should have said... (just insert the response to Promise 2 here and change bike to library. Saves us both time)

Threat 3. We are keeping all electronics off during the day.

What Mommy should have said... "We are keeping all electronics off during the day... unless I need to check facebook or my email. Or I just need you to be quiet for a few minutes so I can read, talk on the phone, knit, or any other number of things."

1 comment:

Todd S. said...

( the new layout and pic!)