Thursday, July 1, 2010

Still A Genius

We were sitting at Target today eating lunch and staring out the window. A Brinks truck pulls up and a heavily armed man exits the truck and enters the store. He is all tatted up and the kids think it is super cool. Sam is looking at the guy and looking at the truck and asks "I wonder where that guy is from?" Jackson, without missing a beat, replies "He is from Illinois". Now, there is not a license plate that we can see or anything else else with a state name on it. He just decided the guy looked like he was from Illinois... which then turned into Billinois, since the truck had a name (Brinks) on it that started with a "B". Sam and Jack thought it was hilarious and laughed forever over it. Quite witty, I will admit.

1 comment:

Todd S. said...

Facebook has me spoiled..I was looking for the [LIKE] button on I have to actually TYPE and tell you how this post made me giggle.