Monday, November 29, 2010

The celebrating began in October

Beginning October 4th, festivities are in full swing in the Hensley household. Jacob's birthday, October 4th, marks the start of weeks (actually months) of fun times here that won't end until March 7th (with a small break in February for no birthdays!) on Joshua's birthday.
Being in 1st grade and having his own mates, Jacob decided to have a birthday party. It was tons of fun watching 7 little 1st graders running around and swimming. I must admit, the best part was that it was NOT at my house. We rented the pool at the local rec center and the kids swam, ate pizza, and opened presents. And at the end, Jacob told me it was the best party ever. Can't beat that!
Next up, October 11th for Sean's birthday... 37! Wow. That is a big number. *wink* Rather low-key, we played Mario Bros and Daddy got a beer. We had some fabulous dinner that I made and of course, a dessert. Apparently it wasn't too fabulous though since I can't remember what I did for either.
Next up in October... trick or treating on the 28th. In Dublin, we don't trick or treat on weekends so when Halloween falls on one, as it did this year, we go out the Thursday before. The kids were terribly excited, as was I. I wore a modified costume (just a wig and make-up) and managed to get Sean in a wig this year too. We had a great time with the McCloys, as always, and were happy to have the Papps join us this year. Sam was a witch this year and Sydney was her black cat. Joshua was the cutest, and perhaps saddest, cow I have ever seen. Jackson was Buzz Lightyear and Jacob was Darth Vader. We came home with too much candy, that I am still trying to keep us all out of. Time to donate!

On Friday, the kids had their Harvest Parties at school. I am the Room Mom in Jacob's classroom so I got to plan this party. It was a lot of fun and Jacob said all the kids had a great time. Yeah!
That night we left for Cincinnati to meet Grammie for the birthday weekend. Sean had some work to do that evening so Grammie and I ordered pizza and occupied the kiddos until he was done and we all went swimming. Saturday (my birthday! ugh. 35.) we did some shopping while Sean did a little more work then we all went out for dinner. Grammie taught us all how to make hats on the round knitting looms. I am on a mission now and really enjoying them! Sunday was Cheesecake Factory, Hello Kitty for Sydney, and then heading home. It was a fantastic weekend! Our first visit with Grammie since her return from Alaska!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sammy the Starfish

I was bathing Jackson the other day and he was playing with his penis (nothing new). This time he was tugging and making it dance and pretending it was singing "I am Sammy the Starfish". I walked out of the room to grab his towel. As I was walking out of the room, I asked him to please stop playing with his penis. In his sweetest, most dramatic voice he replied, "I can't. It is so beautiful". Then collapsed in a fit a giggles. Really? I couldn't even respond to him. I just called Sean up and told him the story. The big kids were listening too. And Jacob very calmly told me he sings the Sammy the Starfish song with his penis in the shower. Again, REALLY? I am not sure I was cut out to raise boys.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Still A Genius

We were sitting at Target today eating lunch and staring out the window. A Brinks truck pulls up and a heavily armed man exits the truck and enters the store. He is all tatted up and the kids think it is super cool. Sam is looking at the guy and looking at the truck and asks "I wonder where that guy is from?" Jackson, without missing a beat, replies "He is from Illinois". Now, there is not a license plate that we can see or anything else else with a state name on it. He just decided the guy looked like he was from Illinois... which then turned into Billinois, since the truck had a name (Brinks) on it that started with a "B". Sam and Jack thought it was hilarious and laughed forever over it. Quite witty, I will admit.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Middle of June already!?!

I am so far behind already and summer has just started... kind of. This is our second full week of vacation. I made all kinds of promises and threats as we were heading here that are now two weeks behind! Holy Bejeebeez. How am I ever going to make it???

Promise 1. We can have a friend over at least one time a week every week this summer.

What Mommy should have said... "If I can keep it together long enough on Monday to not lose my phone or my mind, I will TRY to telephone a parent and invite someone over. I cannot promise I will remember said play date, so you better put it on your calendar, Jacob. And if invited friend does not call back from my telepathic phone call, it isn't my fault".

Threat 1. Beds will be made everyday!

What Mommy should have said... "I know I don't make my bed, but I sleep in it every night. At least one of you also sleeps in it every night. And when you aren't in my bed, you are in each other's beds. That means your personal bed is only being slept in two or three times a week. Therefore, the 'I am just going to sleep in it tonight' rationale only works for me".

Promise 2. We are going to bike ride 3 times a week every week.

What Mommy should have said... " I have had 5 children. I remember to feed you several times a day. I remember to bathe you at least a couple of times a week. I typically remember your names and that you belong here and which special stuffed animal goes with who. You might sometimes have to remind me of the other things, like bike riding. If you really want it to happen, though, you have to remind me before 5pm when I am starting dinner. And crying will not make me drop the pan and jump on a bike with you."

Threat 2. Your chore charts will be followed every day, every week.

What Mommy should have said... "We have a lot of people in this house. And I totally stink at housework. I need all of you to just step up Duggar style and be responsible for making this home presentable to the world."

Promise 3. We will go to the library every week.

What Mommy should have said... (just insert the response to Promise 2 here and change bike to library. Saves us both time)

Threat 3. We are keeping all electronics off during the day.

What Mommy should have said... "We are keeping all electronics off during the day... unless I need to check facebook or my email. Or I just need you to be quiet for a few minutes so I can read, talk on the phone, knit, or any other number of things."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life is, how should I put this delicately... complex... with 5 children. I do my best to make all errands and appointments as uncomplex as possible. That means scheduling things with as few children as possible. It also means missing nap times for the little ones occasionally. Apparently, I am on strike with missing nap times. For the second week in a row, I have missed a 1:30pm appointment for Jackson. The first one was a follow-up for his surgery. An appointment I was anxious to have to make sure things were healing properly. Day of the appointment, I totally spaced it. I came home from dropping Jacob off at school, put the little ones down for a nap, and sent Jack off to practice reading so I could have some quiet time. Today, Jackson had a dentist appointment at 1:30pm. Again, one I was eager to have to make sure his front tooth is okay. And I spaced it again. I dropped Jacob off at school, put the little ones down for a nap, and sent Jackson off to practice reading so I could get a little computer time in. (So busted). I just saw this dentist 2 weeks ago with Sam and Jake. So I fibbed a little. I told them I had the appointment written on my calendar for tomorrow. Seriously. My spaciness is starting to concern me. Perhaps I need to sleep on it a bit...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Part 2

Before Surgery

Ok, so the week that he was recovering was hell. I don't mean a little bit difficult. I mean HELL! Worse than newborn sleep added to constant crying, a trip to Children's Hospital, the worst breath you have ever smelled, AND the normal wear and tear of 4 other kids. It was beyond words. But we made it. And I don't want to relive it again. So part 2 is out. Sorry. If you need details, call me. I will happily share them when I have recovered... so in maybe the next decade or two.

In Recovery

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Multiple Part Series Part I

The last week has been an interesting roller coaster of emotion. We have had more drama than the Bachelor... and all of it was PG!
It started innocently enough with new fabulous hair! Every so often I need a bit of a change. Since I am too scared to pierce anything, I like to change the color of my hair. Last summer I went from "Dublin Mom" highlights to a deep reddish almost purple color. Loved it! And it was hard to keep that color. So after many shades of red (that Miss Clairol and I did), I decided to change it again. So on Tuesday I went to visit Miss Tara, our favorite local hair girl. Over the course of 3 hours, we changed the very red hair to mostly blonde with red still on the ends and then spruced with a nice cut. Love the color, love the cut. And still will be going for crazy blonde as the summer progresses. Stay tuned for it! Since it took 3 hours to get this fabulousness, Jacob was late for school. I wasn't sure what lie I would create for the hens that work in the front office. I decided to just tell them the truth. I think they thought I was lying though :) It was Jacob's first tardy and he was not too happy with me about it. Ah well, sorry sweet boy but beauty rushes for no one.
That evening we spent shopping for Jackson's favorite foods. The next morning he was going into surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed and the doctor told him that he is allowed to eat whatever he wants for 2 weeks after the surgery and doesn't have to eat anything healthy. I thought about punching the doctor but decided I wanted him in tip top shape if he was going to be working on my boyfriend. Finished shopping, went home, Tuesday was great... tra la la.
Then Wednesday arrived. VERY early. We had to be at the surgery center at 6:45am. It was 30 minutes away from my house. That is early in the morning. And I don't really care for mornings. But Jack had to do it too and I decided if he could be brave enough, so could I.
So we got to the center, filled out the paperwork, and waited for the nurses to take him back. The came and got him and took us to a little room. The nurse came and explained to him what they would be doing. Then she gave him a little cup of medicine to drink and told me he might look "a little drunk". I would say a more accurate description would have been stoned. He looked stoned. My sweet little 5 year old boy was stoned. And would have been funny had it been someone else's child. But he is mine. And I have been having nightmares about my future ever since! At one point I asked him if he felt ok. He looked at me, smiled, and said "I feel goooooood." Then he laughed about the mask he was decorating and made his fish dance. It was a regular pot party. The nurses came and got him and the fun ended there.
Next time I saw Jack, he was crying with a swollen face from the anesthesia. It was awful! No Mom should have to experience that. He was sad but seemed to be doing okay. He had eaten a popsicle and was now sipping ice water. Actually he was drinking ice water faster than the nurse and I could keep it filled. Then he crashed. He felt sick to stomach and got very pale. He said he just wanted to sleep. So he slept. Finally after an hour, the nurses were kind of kicking us out. They kept telling me he could go home now. I kept telling them I would take him when he could stay awake. Poor Sean was at home the whole time not really knowing what was going on. He got the occasional phone call, but I, of course, had not charged my phone so the battery was VERY low.
Finally we made it home. We were all exhausted emotionally and physically. Oh yeah, and Joshua was running a fever of 103 during all of this. It was fantastic!

Monday, March 29, 2010

He is a Genius

Conversations at our house are sometimes a test of one's patience and "willingness to play along". The most obvious questions to Sean and I are tedious at times, though asked seriously by our kids. Example. We were sitting at the table the other night and Jacob asked me if I know George Washington's middle name (not obvious or tedious. Actually a pretty good questions). I said that I don't but we can look it up. So he asked me if I know George Washington's last name. (Here come the irritating questions). I said yes. It is Washington. So he asked if I know George Washington's first name. Again I replied yes, it is George. Then he asked if I know Abraham Lincoln's last name. Then first name. The game is getting old and I have repeatedly pointed out the answer is in the question. So he finally asks if I know Abraham Lincoln's middle name. I told him that is a good question, different from the others, but I don't know his middle name. Jackson pipes up. "I know it", he says. Eager for this answer, we ask him what it is. He looks at us like we are clueless parents and answers, "Ham. His middle name is Ham. Abra Ham Lincoln". Genius.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hair cutting #2

I am sitting here wanting to blog but couldn't decide what to write about. Jackson to the rescue! He is standing in the bathroom next to me talking to me in his towel, just out of a shower. He is holding a disposable razor that is sitting on the counter.
He asks, "are these little knives in here?"
"Yes... basically", I reply.
"Do they cut me?", he asks.
"Yep", I say.
"And they pull my hair", he answers back.
Now, I am a little taken aback by this statement. It seems an odd thing to say while holding the razor. So I tell him that they don't pull, they just cut.
"No, Mom, they pull too", he replies emphatically. "It pulled my hair when I put it on my head".
Head whipping toward him, I notice some strands of hair on the ground. I decide to not panic, as this is not my first hair related incident (I will explain at the bottom for those of you not privy to the hair cutting story of June 2009). Jack walks over to me and asks me to dry his hair with the towel. As I am drying, more hair is falling to the ground. I pick one up and show it to him. And I explain, again, that razors cut us and they will cut our hair. Jackson looks at me, a little astonished and says, "ooohhh" in his best 'oops, I really messed up voice'.
The hair isn't completely dry yet. I guess we will see how it looks when it is. I suppose it is no worse for the wear. He is going for that cool dude look (i.e. long hair) and this will just give it personality.
My Jack, ever keeping me on my toes.

So if you know the hair cutting story from last summer, no need to read on. This is just to give those who don't some insight into life with my boys and the reason for this title.

The setting is one morning in early June just after school let out for the summer. Sean is scurrying around the house getting ready to leave for New Jersey on a business trip. I am trying to help him finish with things. He calls for the kids to come downstairs so he can kiss them goodbye. Sydney walks down the stairs. He glances at her and asks her why her hair is wet but continues with what he is doing. I stop and stare at her head. Her hair isn't wet. It is gone. Gone, gone, gone. I ask her what happened to her hair. Then her brothers appear, each with large chunks of hair missing from their heads also. Turns out that the boys decided to cut each others hair a little. Then they decided to cut off ALL of Sydney's hair. Sean did his best in the remaining few minutes he had, then rushed out the door. I freaked out, sobbing, wondering what I did to make my boys turn out so awful. I was certain they were ruined and headed for a life of crime. I had to trim some of Syd's hair to try to even it out. They left strange chunks in it that could be fixed with more cutting. The boys spent the rest of the day in their beds. Then they had to have their hair shaved off to try to fix the patches they put in themselves.

Time always provides new perspective...
They didn't hurt her. In fact, Sydney liked getting her hair. Unfortunately, they cut it so short that only now does she kind of need a haircut.
They didn't hurt anyone else. Hair always grows back (except for Sean's, sorry babe :) and it really isn't that big of a deal.
My boys aren't ruined. They are boys. They are wild and crazy and full of ideas that never occur to me. And they are fun and happy and full of love.
So add disposable razors to that long list of things that the boys have been "curious" about. And pray for me. I still have another one that is only 1 year old. The end is no where near!

Friday, March 5, 2010

It has been an interesting week. I am gearing up for my youngest (and final!) baby's birthday. He will be 1 year old. How quickly it has passed! We were all incredibly bummed that Sean was going to miss it on Sunday because of a trip to Canada. As luck would have it, I cured that little trip with a trip of my own. I fell down the steps to our garage. Actually I just fell down one step. And now my entire foot is swollen and purple. I have been to the doctor twice and no one is certain how bad the damage is or what it will take to heal it.

Friday, February 26, 2010

On the way to taking Sean to work this morning Sydney had to use the potty. She was yelling from the back that she need to do poopies. She told us "not toots, poopies". At least she knows what she is doing! We got to Sean's work, he took her in and she got stage fright. Oh well.

Ever practical

Jacob, Sam, and I had a rare time alone in the car last evening. It was hurried getting out the door, with Sydney and Josh both crying. Shortly into our drive, Samantha asked me if I like being the Mom of 5 kids. I replied that of course I do. It is hard some days but I am so happy that I have them as my family. She paused, then said, "I am only having 2 kids". Jacob piped up with "Me too!". Sam continued with, "I want a boy and a girl. That's it." I asked her what she would do if she had 2 boys or 2 girls. She said, "I would be mad but I guess I would love them." (It gets a little confusing here so I am going to write it like a dialog in a play.)
Always helpful, Jacob offered, "Yeah, I would be mad too. But I would get rid of them".
Sam continued with, "Oh, I could sell one."
Jacob- "yeah, I would sell one for like $10"
Sam- "no, like $100, maybe $100,000"
Jacob- "Does it cost $100,000 to get a baby?"
Sam- "That's what it cost Mom and Dad, right Mom?"
The conversation took a brief pause when I had to explain about insurance and who pays what and how it works. After listening to me for a moment, Sam paused again, then continued, "I would just sell them and start over".

Monday, February 22, 2010

I was wrong. Print it... I don't care. I will say it again, I was wrong

There have been an inordinate amount of poop stories circulating lately. Never one to want to miss a good poop story, I have read them all with a chuckle. With 5 kids, poop is in abundance around here. Laugh or cry, it doesn't go away. Before I divulge my most recent poop story I will provide this. If you come to my house unannounced I cannot promise what you will find. *AND* yes, I did disinfect today... a lot... which is why my living room looks like it does currently. Much funnier reading the trials of someone else, but alas here is my latest (And I will laugh about it later).
Over the weekend I noticed some brown smeared on the walls in the bathroom. Sydney is currently potty training and gets m&ms when she goes on the potty. Her siblings often bring the candy to her while she is still in the bathroom. (Gross, I know, but sweet that they want to help and be encouraging.) I assumed the brown was melted chocolate, as there are lots of chocolate prints around our house. Never one to neglect an unknown substance though, I cleaned it up and went on my merry way. I found some more in the downstairs bathroom but again assumed it was chocolate, as Sydney (I thought) always tells me when she does poop so I can wipe her. Well today I found more on the downstairs wall and on her sticker potty chart. As I was again cleaning it up, I noticed in the trash can a few little q-tips. One end of the q-tip was brown... with poo. Sydney has been painting the walls and her chart with poo. I asked the boys about it. Jacob said, "It was Syd. I saw her playing with her poop today." I asked him why he didn't get me. He said, "I don't know. You're the Mom, not me." So I asked Sydney about it. She laughed. I told her poop only goes in the potty. She laughed. Then she said, "I colored on paper" and laughed again. Then she cried because I tore off the part of her chart that had poo on it. We laugh big. We cry big.
So how does the title fit the story? I have told people repeatedly that boys are harder to handle as toddlers. That boys are wild and unafraid. That boys are loud and busy and get into everything. And I don't take back that boys are all of those things. But so is Sydney. Sydney is a force all her own. She is a rumble, tumble, punch her sister in the face, then hug and kiss all over her kind of girl. She is a happy, wild, carefree spirit with a huge heart. There is nothing in the world like that girl. So here is my sweeping apology to all the Moms that I told boys are harder as toddlers. I was wrong.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day fun

Every year I have high hopes for the extravagance of whatever holiday (or quasi-holiday, if we must) is approaching. I intend to make it big and fabulous and super ridiculous family! Sometimes we get close. Sometimes we miss the mark entirely. With the help of so many days off of school, we got pretty close this year!
The kids were off of school most of last week because of the snow. They went back on Thursday after two days off and had their Valentine's parties. Sam and Jake came home SOOO excited! They had tons of candy yeah. (insert sarcastic cheering here) and lots of fun cards. They were not entirely in the giving mood, as we discovered on Friday morning when Jack came asking for $1 so he could "buy" one of the little candies from Sam or Jake. (It is tough to be so close to school and yet so far!) After some calm, non-emotional discussion about sharing and not teasing and not being mean to our little brother, the day progressed rather nicely. The kids had off of school for a teacher in-service, so we enjoyed another day together. Friday we began working on our placemats for Sunday morning. We cut tons of hearts out and glued them to our construction paper. It is so nice that the big kids are getting old enough to make their own. Even Sydney colored and glued hers! Joshua refused to participate, choosing instead to try to eat everything. But what do we expect, that kids a slacker!
Saturday began with the usual slacking that only Saturdays can bring. Most of us stayed in our pajamas as long as we could. For Jacob and Jackson, that typically isn't very long. They are in a stage where they like to get dressed as early as possible. For Samantha, Sydney, Sean and I it lasts as long as we can possibly drag it out. And Josh is flexible in that regard. Although he would generally prefer to just be naked all the time so he could hold his little friend, but I digress...
So Saturday we finished "laminating" the placemats with contact paper (only high quality here!) and watched the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. Yes, I know it was on the night before but we missed it so we DVR'd it when they rebroadcast it at 2am and watched it later.
Saturday night we went shopping for a new blender and an exercise bike... oh, and new glasses for Sean. When we went to Meijer Syd, Jake, and Jack each got a sucker. It was dark when we were driving home and Jackson dropped his on the floor in the van and started crying. We promised to rinse it off when we got home and told him he could still eat it. All in all not a funny story until he started crying harder and told us he couldn't eat it. "It will have hair on it". Sean and I laughed and I got to add it to my mental list of things to write in my blog.
The best part of my Saturday was spending alone time with Samantha. She and I went to Caribou Coffee that night and read. We didn't do a lot of talking but sat next to each other in comfy chairs and each read our books. It was so nice to be with her. I keep thinking this time will end sooner than I am ready!
So that brings us to Sunday. A day full of food! The kids woke up to a decorated table and fun V-Day gifts (fruit snacks... gotta love that those are still considered "gifts" at my house!). We (and by we, I mean me) made a fantastic breakfast of cinnamon vanilla french toast with a maple cream cheese spread on top. It was yummy! Then we cleaned the house (kind of) in anticipation of our friends arriving! We always enjoy the Mason's coming over and it was made even sweeter this time by the really cheap ham that I found on sale on Friday night. Good friends and good deals. Nothing goes together better! Megan brought fantastic home grown green beans and I made ridiculously good homemade brownies. All in all, a food night to love!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow days!

We have spent the last two days "trapped" at home while the snow and temperatures plummet. I would like to complain, but really I love staying in my pajamas and having kids around all day. I don't necessarily like the 4 o'clock shuffle of showering, folding laundry and putting it away, and cleaning the kitchen so my husband doesn't think I played on the computer all day. But I am certainly not sacrificing pajama day to ease the 4 o'clock shuffle!
The snow started on Friday. They let the kids out of school early, which is always unhappy for Jacob since he is afternoon Kindergarten. It has happened twice to him now. He reminds me all day that "It isn't fair that Sam got to go to school!" and he doesn't. I think it isn't fair that I had to break the news to him. I think the school should call him and let him know. They can disappoint the 6 year old, not me. Plus it would save my nerves. Ha! How old am I that I just said "save my nerves"!?!
So Friday was a fun day after we picked up Sam, playing in the snow and all. Our trip to Indiana was canceled on Saturday because I was afraid of getting stuck there. We ended up grocery shopping in the evening. It was becoming ridiculously cold as the day wore on. I had promised Jacob I would build a snowman with him though so we started as soon as we got home. The weather was so cold so the snow wouldn't stick well. We dug underneath and got the stuff close to the ground. It was tough, cold work. And our snowman was more like a snow pile. Jake named him Shorty, the Snow Dude.

Sunday was relatively fine. We went to the Mason's and watched part of the Super Bowl. Being from Indiana and yet falling in love with New Orleans recently, I was naturally unhappy either way. Ah, ever the half empty cup :)
I forgot to mention I shoveled the driveway on Friday. Yeah for shoveling! It was fun and not terribly cold at the time. I think I am done for the season though. One of those things you like to say you did, but totally hate doing all the time.
Monday was still cold and our snow had not melted yet. Overnight, we got more snow. Hence, the first snow day. The kids begged to play outside and since they didn't need me to be with them out in the cold, I sent them on their merry way. They discovered that the new snow (that continued to come down all day) was good packing snow again so they knocked down Shorty and erected a new taller snowman, which they named... wait for it.... Tally, the Tall Dude. So creative, my children!

The rest of the day was fun also. Samantha made cookies (her new passion). The kids watched "Free Willy" and the babies took long naps. And I, I stayed in my pajamas until 4 o'clock.
This morning, school was called off again. It is 11am and I am still in my pajamas. I just informed the kids all the kids get naps today. It is a joyous occasion! I might have to shower now though. I plan to nap a long time and don't want to have to wake up early to shuffle.

Monday, February 8, 2010

It is about time....

The question to blog or not to blog has been floating around my head for several months now. I have well meaning intentions but I am, quite frankly, a little overwhelmed by the idea of it. I keep thinking that I have to have a long story with meaning and be spot on funny or not waste my time or anyone else's time. That feels like a huge undertaking for a Mom with 5 kids and little time. I do have time though, to lurk in other people's blogs. And I am enjoying their stories tremendously. So, I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my friend Sarah. Her stories are typically about her kids and they are hysterical. Sometimes they aren't stories at all. Sometimes it is just quotes of funny things her oldest has said or done. Sometimes she picks random pictures and talks about them. So, Sarah, I apologize for stealing your formula. But I think you are fabulous and hope I can entertain as much as you do! :)

Ok, so the first paragraph is completed. I supposed I should introduce the family. If you are reading this, you either know me or Sean but you might be fuzzy on our details. So here it is....

We have 5 amazing, albeit energentically tiring, children. Our oldest is 9 years and in the 3rd grade. She is the poster child of well-behaved. It is her fault we have so many. If she would have been a little tougher to handle in the toddler years, I am certain we would have stopped. But she wasn't and alas, there are 5 now. She is smart and kind and enjoyable to be around.

Our next one is 6 years old and in Kindergarten. He is our sensitive and aggressive one. He is the most tuned in to the energy of the house of all the kids. When I am stressed, he is more aggressive and doesn't behave well. When I am calm, he is loving and gentle and easy. It has been amazing to watch him in school. He is wild at home, but quiet and well-mannered at school. I supposed the constant threats and beatings keep him in line :) He loves big and is fantastic to his younger siblings. He tells me all the time that he thinks our babies are the best.

Our third, yes the very middle child, is 5 years old. He is very into being “the cool dude”. He wants his hair long and has tons of attitude. He would really like to play the guitar and dance to hip hop. He tries out cool dude moves all the time. Current favorite show is America's Best Dance Crew (with our own AC Slater... the kids never get the reference and I laugh every time. Ahh, to be old.) He is also wild, but terribly shy with adults... even people we know well. He still won't speak to my friend Holly, whose son he plays with almost weekly. We have known them several years now and it takes all his courage just to look at her. He is the most unsure of where he is, whether big or little. With his brother gone at Kindergarten, this year has been good for him to try on different roles. I fear for the Kindergarten teacher next year. He can be a stubborn little bugger.

Our 4th is two years old. She is far and away the diva of the house. She runs the place and she knows it. The other kids just cater to her and she expects, no DEMANDS, it now. And her personality is giant. She is very much fun to watch... and a bit difficult at times. She is the most stubborn and headstrong of them all. And she is smart to boot. We are in for some interesting times!

The baby is just 11 months old. He, unlike the other boys, is in no hurry to get bigger. He likes nursing and isn't quite ready to give it up. And he really isn't that interested in walking. He does just fine with crawling and having everyone pick him up. He did sleep through the night last night and the night before. I am hoping that is the new stage we are in. Now if I could just get everyone else to sleep through the night....

Ok, so that was the “quick” blurb about the kiddos. Use this as a reference if you have a hard time keeping them straight from here on out. I will probably need it too!