Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Cloudy with a Chance of WHAT!?!
The kids decided to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs today. Jackson was walking up the stairs telling what they decided on. His face lit up and he turned around. "Mom! Mom! Look! This is really funny." I should have known not to listen but what can a Mom do. He proceed to tell me... "we are watching 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meat MY balls" and laughed hysterically as he grabbed himself. THAT is Sean's kid!
Friday, February 18, 2011
The mess is here to stay
As anyone who has stopped by my house unannounced (and often even announced) can attest to, housecleaning is not my forte. In fact, it isn't even my weakness. It is my nothing.
Now, a lot of women talk about their messy houses. And I have seen these "messes". Typically they make me want to cry. It looks like my house the day before I move in. Everything is neat and tidy... with three teeny, tiny bread crumbs... perhaps the last speck of goldfish sitting on the counter that was just wiped off. My house doesn't look that good on our "clean" moments (I won't even pretend we have a whole day where the house is clean).
So today I am faced with a dilemma. We are having company tonight for dinner. They are really great people. My husband works with the husband. The wife and I met at the Christmas Party this year and hit it off. I enjoyed talking to her all evening. I am very much looking forward to their conversation tonight.... except now I have invited another woman into my house. I mentioned before that I don't know her well, which of course, automatically makes me a little nervous about the condition of my pit. Add to that, she works outside the home, has high school aged kids, and does theater. Oh, and ALWAYS looks put together. That is kind of my exact opposite. I stay home with my young children, have zero artistic talent, and am NEVER put together (hell, I haven't even showered yet and it is 2pm). Oh, and I am making dinner. Dinner is just pizza tonight. That sounds simple enough. But wait. I make my own crust for pizza night. And my own pizza sauce. And my own bbq sauce for the chicken pizza. Which means I could end up the dirty, messy house, food sucks, weird wife of the great guy.
*sigh* I am never inviting company over again.
Now, a lot of women talk about their messy houses. And I have seen these "messes". Typically they make me want to cry. It looks like my house the day before I move in. Everything is neat and tidy... with three teeny, tiny bread crumbs... perhaps the last speck of goldfish sitting on the counter that was just wiped off. My house doesn't look that good on our "clean" moments (I won't even pretend we have a whole day where the house is clean).
So today I am faced with a dilemma. We are having company tonight for dinner. They are really great people. My husband works with the husband. The wife and I met at the Christmas Party this year and hit it off. I enjoyed talking to her all evening. I am very much looking forward to their conversation tonight.... except now I have invited another woman into my house. I mentioned before that I don't know her well, which of course, automatically makes me a little nervous about the condition of my pit. Add to that, she works outside the home, has high school aged kids, and does theater. Oh, and ALWAYS looks put together. That is kind of my exact opposite. I stay home with my young children, have zero artistic talent, and am NEVER put together (hell, I haven't even showered yet and it is 2pm). Oh, and I am making dinner. Dinner is just pizza tonight. That sounds simple enough. But wait. I make my own crust for pizza night. And my own pizza sauce. And my own bbq sauce for the chicken pizza. Which means I could end up the dirty, messy house, food sucks, weird wife of the great guy.
*sigh* I am never inviting company over again.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Let me just start by saying I love my children. With my whole heart adore them. Can't imagine life without them... blah, blah. blah.
And some days I REALLY adore my children... like beyond comprehension... when they are sleeping.
Like tonight.
It is a hide in the corner so if someone gets out of bed again, they can't find me night. It is also, of course, the night that hubby has gone to work out. At the boot camp that I signed him up for. Sooo, I can't even be mad at him for being gone. I lose.
The kids have been crazy all evening. And they don't want to sleep now. I want them to sleep. They find this hysterical. I want to cry and then go crazy Mommy on them. They think crazy Mommy is fun. I get crazy Mommy is fun to bring out when your friends are over and you can laugh and compare notes about whose Mom is more certifiable.
But no one is here tonight.
Can't you just give me some peace? Let me watch my documentaries that I can't watch when Daddy is home?
Let me adore your sweet sleeping face and be anxious for you to wake up in the morning? No?
Damn. I double lose.
And some days I REALLY adore my children... like beyond comprehension... when they are sleeping.
Like tonight.
It is a hide in the corner so if someone gets out of bed again, they can't find me night. It is also, of course, the night that hubby has gone to work out. At the boot camp that I signed him up for. Sooo, I can't even be mad at him for being gone. I lose.
The kids have been crazy all evening. And they don't want to sleep now. I want them to sleep. They find this hysterical. I want to cry and then go crazy Mommy on them. They think crazy Mommy is fun. I get crazy Mommy is fun to bring out when your friends are over and you can laugh and compare notes about whose Mom is more certifiable.
But no one is here tonight.
Can't you just give me some peace? Let me watch my documentaries that I can't watch when Daddy is home?
Let me adore your sweet sleeping face and be anxious for you to wake up in the morning? No?
Damn. I double lose.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The celebrating began in October
Beginning October 4th, festivities are in full swing in the Hensley household. Jacob's birthday, October 4th, marks the start of weeks (actually months) of fun times here that won't end until March 7th (with a small break in February for no birthdays!) on Joshua's birthday.
Being in 1st grade and having his own mates, Jacob decided to have a birthday party. It was tons of fun watching 7 little 1st graders running around and swimming. I must admit, the best part was that it was NOT at my house. We rented the pool at the local rec center and the kids swam, ate pizza, and opened presents. And at the end, Jacob told me it was the best party ever. Can't beat that!
Next up, October 11th for Sean's birthday... 37! Wow. That is a big number. *wink* Rather low-key, we played Mario Bros and Daddy got a beer. We had some fabulous dinner that I made and of course, a dessert. Apparently it wasn't too fabulous though since I can't remember what I did for either.
Next up in October... trick or treating on the 28th. In Dublin, we don't trick or treat on weekends so when Halloween falls on one, as it did this year, we go out the Thursday before. The kids were terribly excited, as was I. I wore a modified costume (just a wig and make-up) and managed to get Sean in a wig this year too. We had a great time with the McCloys, as always, and were happy to have the Papps join us this year. Sam was a witch this year and Sydney was her black cat. Joshua was the cutest, and perhaps saddest, cow I have ever seen. Jackson was Buzz Lightyear and Jacob was Darth Vader. We came home with too much candy, that I am still trying to keep us all out of. Time to donate!

On Friday, the kids had their Harvest Parties at school. I am the Room Mom in Jacob's classroom so I got to plan this party. It was a lot of fun and Jacob said all the kids had a great time. Yeah!
That night we left for Cincinnati to meet Grammie for the birthday weekend. Sean had some work to do that evening so Grammie and I ordered pizza and occupied the kiddos until he was done and we all went swimming. Saturday (my birthday! ugh. 35.) we did some shopping while Sean did a little more work then we all went out for dinner. Grammie taught us all how to make hats on the round knitting looms. I am on a mission now and really enjoying them! Sunday was Cheesecake Factory, Hello Kitty for Sydney, and then heading home. It was a fantastic weekend! Our first visit with Grammie since her return from Alaska!
Being in 1st grade and having his own mates, Jacob decided to have a birthday party. It was tons of fun watching 7 little 1st graders running around and swimming. I must admit, the best part was that it was NOT at my house. We rented the pool at the local rec center and the kids swam, ate pizza, and opened presents. And at the end, Jacob told me it was the best party ever. Can't beat that!
Next up, October 11th for Sean's birthday... 37! Wow. That is a big number. *wink* Rather low-key, we played Mario Bros and Daddy got a beer. We had some fabulous dinner that I made and of course, a dessert. Apparently it wasn't too fabulous though since I can't remember what I did for either.
Next up in October... trick or treating on the 28th. In Dublin, we don't trick or treat on weekends so when Halloween falls on one, as it did this year, we go out the Thursday before. The kids were terribly excited, as was I. I wore a modified costume (just a wig and make-up) and managed to get Sean in a wig this year too. We had a great time with the McCloys, as always, and were happy to have the Papps join us this year. Sam was a witch this year and Sydney was her black cat. Joshua was the cutest, and perhaps saddest, cow I have ever seen. Jackson was Buzz Lightyear and Jacob was Darth Vader. We came home with too much candy, that I am still trying to keep us all out of. Time to donate!

On Friday, the kids had their Harvest Parties at school. I am the Room Mom in Jacob's classroom so I got to plan this party. It was a lot of fun and Jacob said all the kids had a great time. Yeah!
That night we left for Cincinnati to meet Grammie for the birthday weekend. Sean had some work to do that evening so Grammie and I ordered pizza and occupied the kiddos until he was done and we all went swimming. Saturday (my birthday! ugh. 35.) we did some shopping while Sean did a little more work then we all went out for dinner. Grammie taught us all how to make hats on the round knitting looms. I am on a mission now and really enjoying them! Sunday was Cheesecake Factory, Hello Kitty for Sydney, and then heading home. It was a fantastic weekend! Our first visit with Grammie since her return from Alaska!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sammy the Starfish
I was bathing Jackson the other day and he was playing with his penis (nothing new). This time he was tugging and making it dance and pretending it was singing "I am Sammy the Starfish". I walked out of the room to grab his towel. As I was walking out of the room, I asked him to please stop playing with his penis. In his sweetest, most dramatic voice he replied, "I can't. It is so beautiful". Then collapsed in a fit a giggles. Really? I couldn't even respond to him. I just called Sean up and told him the story. The big kids were listening too. And Jacob very calmly told me he sings the Sammy the Starfish song with his penis in the shower. Again, REALLY? I am not sure I was cut out to raise boys.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Still A Genius
We were sitting at Target today eating lunch and staring out the window. A Brinks truck pulls up and a heavily armed man exits the truck and enters the store. He is all tatted up and the kids think it is super cool. Sam is looking at the guy and looking at the truck and asks "I wonder where that guy is from?" Jackson, without missing a beat, replies "He is from Illinois". Now, there is not a license plate that we can see or anything else else with a state name on it. He just decided the guy looked like he was from Illinois... which then turned into Billinois, since the truck had a name (Brinks) on it that started with a "B". Sam and Jack thought it was hilarious and laughed forever over it. Quite witty, I will admit.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Middle of June already!?!
I am so far behind already and summer has just started... kind of. This is our second full week of vacation. I made all kinds of promises and threats as we were heading here that are now two weeks behind! Holy Bejeebeez. How am I ever going to make it???
Promise 1. We can have a friend over at least one time a week every week this summer.
What Mommy should have said... "If I can keep it together long enough on Monday to not lose my phone or my mind, I will TRY to telephone a parent and invite someone over. I cannot promise I will remember said play date, so you better put it on your calendar, Jacob. And if invited friend does not call back from my telepathic phone call, it isn't my fault".
Threat 1. Beds will be made everyday!
What Mommy should have said... "I know I don't make my bed, but I sleep in it every night. At least one of you also sleeps in it every night. And when you aren't in my bed, you are in each other's beds. That means your personal bed is only being slept in two or three times a week. Therefore, the 'I am just going to sleep in it tonight' rationale only works for me".
Promise 2. We are going to bike ride 3 times a week every week.
What Mommy should have said... " I have had 5 children. I remember to feed you several times a day. I remember to bathe you at least a couple of times a week. I typically remember your names and that you belong here and which special stuffed animal goes with who. You might sometimes have to remind me of the other things, like bike riding. If you really want it to happen, though, you have to remind me before 5pm when I am starting dinner. And crying will not make me drop the pan and jump on a bike with you."
Threat 2. Your chore charts will be followed every day, every week.
What Mommy should have said... "We have a lot of people in this house. And I totally stink at housework. I need all of you to just step up Duggar style and be responsible for making this home presentable to the world."
Promise 3. We will go to the library every week.
What Mommy should have said... (just insert the response to Promise 2 here and change bike to library. Saves us both time)
Threat 3. We are keeping all electronics off during the day.
What Mommy should have said... "We are keeping all electronics off during the day... unless I need to check facebook or my email. Or I just need you to be quiet for a few minutes so I can read, talk on the phone, knit, or any other number of things."
Promise 1. We can have a friend over at least one time a week every week this summer.
What Mommy should have said... "If I can keep it together long enough on Monday to not lose my phone or my mind, I will TRY to telephone a parent and invite someone over. I cannot promise I will remember said play date, so you better put it on your calendar, Jacob. And if invited friend does not call back from my telepathic phone call, it isn't my fault".
Threat 1. Beds will be made everyday!
What Mommy should have said... "I know I don't make my bed, but I sleep in it every night. At least one of you also sleeps in it every night. And when you aren't in my bed, you are in each other's beds. That means your personal bed is only being slept in two or three times a week. Therefore, the 'I am just going to sleep in it tonight' rationale only works for me".
Promise 2. We are going to bike ride 3 times a week every week.
What Mommy should have said... " I have had 5 children. I remember to feed you several times a day. I remember to bathe you at least a couple of times a week. I typically remember your names and that you belong here and which special stuffed animal goes with who. You might sometimes have to remind me of the other things, like bike riding. If you really want it to happen, though, you have to remind me before 5pm when I am starting dinner. And crying will not make me drop the pan and jump on a bike with you."
Threat 2. Your chore charts will be followed every day, every week.
What Mommy should have said... "We have a lot of people in this house. And I totally stink at housework. I need all of you to just step up Duggar style and be responsible for making this home presentable to the world."
Promise 3. We will go to the library every week.
What Mommy should have said... (just insert the response to Promise 2 here and change bike to library. Saves us both time)
Threat 3. We are keeping all electronics off during the day.
What Mommy should have said... "We are keeping all electronics off during the day... unless I need to check facebook or my email. Or I just need you to be quiet for a few minutes so I can read, talk on the phone, knit, or any other number of things."
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